Chua Jun Yang Fan Club <body>

Mid season transfer


Monday, July 30, 2007

It is this time of the year where dsa result will be out soon and i thought it will be nice to use our national champion's fan club blog to to update everyone(hey it is on world wide web, if they dun know the great one fan club blog, it is amazing how they managed to breath) on the transfer.

*Note this post probably be/should updated regularly

First off B'div national champion, Justin Ho will be off to RJ(not surpising) to be their reserve. His captain Mingzhe will be joining him at rj but not the club.

Still on rj will be their first dsa catch, Daniel Lau from ACS (I) who has gotten 3rd for national b'div, according to Wilson then deal is confirm and Daniel is confirm going to rj next yr.

Still on dsa, how do you justify your L1R5 > 20? Applying and accepting dsa to rj. N RJ is happily accepting rifle gal with mid yr aggregate of more than 20 to a stay for 2 or 3yrs, since their source from rgs has dry up.

On a brighter note, rg pistol gal is impressive, with Alice claiming 2nd(and admit it Rachel was really lucky, score wise.) However whether the trio will join rj shooting club remains to be confirm.

Still on rj and back to rifle gals, Wilson and Tian Wei have already started to discuss about next yr "dsa". Tian Wei is adamant that if he do without her, he will do without her. Please refer to the post on exco for RI shooting club to find out who is the her. For Wilson as long as she can maintain her 390+ score then rj should take her.

Further up the North in AMK , Angmokio JC r going to get GIGI as well as 4 AI pistol boys. The gigi deal is almost confirm while the 4 AI pistol boys will be going through a selection test which well Jasmine is probably going to be bias.

South in Bukit Timah, while hci is licking their wound after national doesn't seems to have anyone to get beside their high sch juniors and the termites from nygh. The most creative thing that they have done so far is to tag on sec school shooting club blog. Nevertheless they are still getting a NTT shooter, Daniel Lee and Xiang Quan are going over (I wonder why i never thought of asking them to come over to NJ lol) as well as pistol gal Michelle from NYGH.


Daniel Lau might as be shooting himself, not literally but Hang Zhou and Matt are going to water polo, while Toon Wei have yet to decide if he should continue.

Onto pistol gals, PingFang and Ngai are still not convinced to stay in shooting, joining cheerleading we guess. Thus alice will be a lonely gal since Daniel will be the only one she knows around in RJ shooting if she is going. That is on the assumption that RGS rifle gals are not going.

Oh wait but there is still her dear chrisitan friend as Tien Wei has no choice but to do with her. Since the gals he needs to do without her are sport school bound.


Gigi has been offered DSA contract from AJ, while all the other AI pistol boys have not been offered, probably Jasmine has no say over dsa weak.

Daniel Lau and Angie have also accepted DSA contract to RJ, but just take note their mid yr L1R5 were 30+ and 20+ repectively. No wonder Toon Wei said RJ is despo.

Hui Rui has reveled that they are trying to get Michelle to go over RJ. However her juniors are blackmailing her to stay in the communists gang of school. Btw RJ range only open twice a week.

Last but not least rumour has it that Eunice from KCP has given her words to CJ teacher that she is going over. If anyone know who she is...

UPDATE 30/07/07
According to Jonathan, Junyang quited RJ shooting club. But according to Junyang, not yet.

According to Jonathan again, Justin will go RJ but not join RJ shooting club but will stay in NTT. According to me this sound dumb.

According to Michelle RJ had offered her DSA. According to MOE website she is not eligible for DSA since she does not take O level. RJ is illegal tapping.

Regardless, all termites seems to be HCI bond. ALL means ALL, no exception.

Spencer has been promoted to SAFRA shooting club captain. *clap *clap *clap

Chao Xiang has been asked to join SAFRA shooting club by their vice-chairman.


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