Disclaimer: All the 10 facts below are true, like rest of the content of cjyfc blog. However if your age is single digit or think you are too innocent, you should not be reading fact 10.
Fact 1: RI boys(namely ToonWei) is claiming that JunYang went out with RGS vice head prefect Shu Ting to watch concert.
Fact 2: Teo Yi Tian The great(but not as great as JunYang) RGS shooting club captain said that another RGS vice head prefect(they got 3) Vivan was talking about US(cjyfc). Ok actually more of boasting that JunYang has a fan club. N she isn't stingy with praises for JunYang.
Fact 3: JunYang gun is spoilt.
Fact 4: He still went down to train today. So the only thing he could do is to dry fire... for 2hours that is. Which is all of u can't do. Thus is a role model for you guys to follow...
Fact 5: If he can really dry fire for 2hours that is. He end up drawing Li Qian gun to shoot.(so if LiQian if u find there is something[understatement] wrong with ur cheek, u r inform of the reason) Well at least he did dry fire for VERY long.
Fact 6: Speaking about LiQian, he is going to make everyone train 3 times a week(as oppose to 2 times a week, yeah this is a RI shooting club announcement).
Fact 7: Jon Koh n Morgan isn't too happy about that and will be considering transfering to NJ if that is imposed.
Fact 8: They MIGHT probably ask JunYang to tag along to come to NJ.
Fact 9: JunYang who we know is RI head boys WILL end up becoming NJ council president IF he comes to NJ and run for student council election. Which will make us change our yahoo group to CPcjyfc. (council president)
Fact 10: JunYang who is RI head boy, has a video IPOD(20GB), which i can get him to sign and sell it for maybe $500++. In it, will come with a video of a lady sucking a King Albert's(for those who dun know the meaning it meant a guy with alot of piercing) todger(it means dick = SPAM javenlin) to get a piecing out from his todger.