Chua Jun Yang Fan Club <body>

Female for a President


Sunday, April 29, 2007


RJ look what you have done. Just watch the video above and you will see what a big mistake you had make. Now our dearest head boy will now have to be under a chick =(.

But else where in shooting, in recent concluded NTT monthly, our Jun Yang got back to the 580+ region, but still 19 point of his normal average score.

Futher down the history lane, head boy revealed(during shooting club camp) that he had confessed to a girl(ex-rgs duh) if he would have the honour to be her bf. Her replied was even though she is fond of junyang (like every other girl we presume) but isn't sure if she wanna get into a relationship just yet. So it is/was pending. I do not have the ending yet so Toon Wei you know what to do, please fill up the rest.

That it for this update.