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These are for week Beginning 27/10/2007


Saturday, October 27, 2007

AC's affiliates
Focus on your own domestic problems. Travel and creative hobbies will be your best outlet. You should channel your efforts into getting rid of bad habits. Plan your day thoughtfully, but try not to rely on others.

Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.

CJ and their affiliations, SPS, SJC etc
Social gatherings will be conducive to meeting new potential mates. Unforeseen changes in your location are apparent. Overexertion and negligence will be your worst enemies. You should be getting into self-improvement projects.

Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday.


Family get-togethers will be interesting. Be on your best behavior. It will be important that you have your priorities straight. Be careful while traveling.

Your lucky day this week will be Sunday.


It may be a disappointing day emotionally. You are going through a period of questioning. Don't be too eager to give a piece of your mind or even your opinion this week. Emotional partnerships may develop through projects you initiate.

Your lucky day this week will be Monday.


It might be time to pick up the slack and do your share. You will have problems with coworkers if you are too extreme about doing things perfectly. You can get a promotion if you put in a little extra detail. You can make career changes that may put you in a much higher earning bracket.

Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday.

Do things for them but don't allow them to make unreasonable requests. Try to keep any mood swings under control; they may result in alienation. Driving too fast or double parking will result in difficulties with officials. You might just as well let others do their own thing.

Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.

Your personal life will be under the gun and you may want to avoid the questions your lover is going to want to ask you. You may interest some of them in a service you have to offer. Romantic opportunities will be plentiful if you go out with friends. Your involvement in groups will be favorable for meeting new and exciting individuals.

Your lucky day this week will be Monday.

School With Raffles in their name
Be aware that you don't get anything for nothing. Losses are evident. Do not lend money to friends, or contribute more than necessary to groups unworthy of your cash. Avoid conflicts with in-laws or other family members. If you were from SCGS girl guide, you captain is hitting on you.

Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.

Stop telling others about your problems. Opportunities for new and exciting relationships will be yours if you get out and join groups. Be careful how you deal with colleagues. Trips, educational pursuits, or projects that could lead to new outlooks should be on your agenda.

Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.

Outdoor sports events should entice you. Plan to get out and do a bit of travel. If you work in conjunction with someone else you may find they're trying to steal your thunder. A lot has changed and so have you.

Your lucky day this week will be Sunday.

Singapore Sport School

Don't hesitate to take short trips. Advancement can be yours if you are assertive in your approach. Take your time; do not make any decisions in haste. You don't owe anyone an explanation. Do your own thing, you need time to yourself.

Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.

You are best to ask questions if you aren't certain about issues that are confronting you. Rid yourself of that which is old and no longer of use. Don't let children hold you back from doing things you enjoy. Someone may be trying to damage your reputation.

Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.


These are for week Beginning 20/10/2007


Saturday, October 20, 2007

AC's affiliates

Take the whole family and make it an enjoyable outing. Keep a lookout for any individuals eager to confront you with unsavory situations. You need to take a break with the ones you love. Try to curb your bad habits.

Your lucky day this week will be Friday.

CJ and their affiliations, SPS, SJC etc

Don't play on your partner's emotions. Try to join groups of interest such as ballroom dance classes or perhaps an internet organization. Don't let relatives stand in the way of your personal plans. Your boss may be pushy.

Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.


Don't start a dispute unless you're prepared to accept irreversible results. You will have the ability to capture the interest of others. Catch up on your correspondence and reading. Go out with friends.

Your lucky day this week will be Friday.


Rely on yourself and you will look good to superiors. You need a break from your daily routine. Your ability to talk circles around your colleagues will help you forge ahead in the workforce. You will have extra energy; put it to good use.

Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.


Put aside any decisions concerning your position at work. Discover opportunities based on the individuals you mingle with this week. You will attract new love interests. Sudden changes will occur through communications with friends or in-laws.

Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.


Don't allow personal problems to conflict with professional duties. You will find that friends or relatives may not understand your needs. Use your inventiveness to find solutions. Changes involving your domestic scene may be unpleasant.

Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.


If it can make you extra cash, it will be even better. You may have the energy to clear up that mound of paperwork facing you. You can make money if you are wise in your choices. Don't forget that your budget is limited right now.

Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.

School With Raffles in their name

You're on the right track and you can make money if you are willing to go out on a limb. You may find yourself in an opportune position if you are willing to take a bit of a risk. Go out shopping this week. You will enjoy interacting with those who come from different backgrounds.

Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.


Keep your eyes and ears alert for any evasive or deceptive statements. Try not to allow your partner to lead you astray or upset your routine. You can help a close friend find solutions to personal problems. Someone you least expect may not have your best interests at heart.

Your lucky day this week will be Monday.


Your emotions will be touched off concerning recent encounters with your lover. Direct your energy into physical entertainment. The answers can only come from within. Don't make any rash decisions that may affect friendships.

Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday.

Singapore Sport School

Stay mellow. Your high energy will enable you to enlist the help of those in a position to back you. Secret affairs may be brought out in the open. You will be drawn to individuals who can provide you with both intellectual conversation and physical passion.

Your lucky day this week will be Monday.


Don't make mountains out of molehills if you want to avoid conflict. Deceit with coworkers is apparent. Enlist the aid of family members and consider the feelings of your mate. You'll stay out of trouble if you pick projects that will benefit the whole family.

Your lucky day this week will be Sunday.


These are for week Beginning 13/10/2007


Monday, October 15, 2007

AC's affiliates

Only offer to do the things you have time for. Luxury items will cost you more than you can truly afford. Control your temper by getting immersed in your work. Your competitive nature will enable you to win any contest you enter. Try to stay calm and do the best you can.

Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday.

CJ and their affiliations, SPS, SJC etc

You are best not to nag or criticize. Take the time to help those less fortunate. You can make excellent investments if you are in the right place at the right time. You may find that someone you live with is not too happy, but you can't really do anything about that right now.

Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.


Don't second guess yourself, just go to it. Children may be difficult to handle. Investments that deal with property will pay off but could cause conflict with some family members. You may want to invest in something that will grow in value.

Your lucky day this week will be Monday.


You could do extremely well in competitive sports events. Try to satisfy both of your needs. Children may be demanding, and entertainment could cost a lot more than you can really afford. Home improvement projects will run smoothly.

Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday.


Someone around you may not be trustworthy. Accept the inevitable, and opportunities for advancement will follow. Having your own business is a good idea. You'll be surprised how much you can accomplish.

Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.


You may find it difficult to communicate with someone at work. Think hard before going into business with friends or family. Take matters in hand when it comes to dealing with clients or colleagues. You will meet new romantic partners if you get involved in seminars or travel.

Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.


Turn things around, make sure that they do their share. You will learn a great deal about yourself if you go somewhere secluded. Don't divulge secret information. You can make changes to your domestic scene that will benefit all who reside there.

Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.

School With Raffles in their name

This day was meant for love. Make creative changes to your residence. Try not to take others for granted. Tempers could get out of hand this week. You will get along well with your colleagues this week. Get involved in creative projects that will enhance your earning power.

Your lucky day this week will be Sunday.


Try not to spend too much on children or entertainment. Empty promises are evident; therefore, get it in writing, to be safe. Don't let situations get out of control. You should put a little extra effort in at work.

Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday.


This is a great day to start that new health regimen you've been talking about. You can make money through your creative efforts. Your mate will be pushing you to do things that you really don't want to do. You should be able to get a lot done.

Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.

Singapore Sport School

Refrain from using the highway as a racetrack. Travel will be favorable and bring you the greatest rewards. You must be careful not to ignore the needs of the youngsters in your family. Be prepared to jump quickly if you wish to stay in the forefront of your industry this week.

Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.


You need some help this week. You don't owe anyone an explanation. Do your own thing, you need time to yourself. You are likely to be left alone if you aren't willing to bend just a little. Don't ruffle the feathers of those you care about most.

Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.


Shooterscope 06/10/2007-12/10/2007


Monday, October 08, 2007

AC's affiliates

Don't let someone you work with put words in your mouth. Relatives will be cordial. You will attract potential lovers, but be sure that they're unattached. You may be out of sorts If you have been extravagant or have let children or friends take advantage of you financially.

Your lucky day this week will be Friday.

CJ and their affiliations, SPS, SJC etc

Take time to do some writing, whether it's correspondence, poetry, or keeping a journal. You can bet that someone in a higher position is watching to see how busy you are. You may find your self a bit frazzled if you allow someone to goad you into an unsavory debate. Trips will be exciting.

Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.


Be careful not to misplace your wallet or belongings. Make creative changes to your living quarters. If you join intellectual or cultural groups, you should meet individuals who stimulate you. Money can be made if your are willing to take a chance.

Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday.


You will have some problems with children, but if you are patient you will win their favor. You can't help everyone. Don't let others bait you into arguments. Look at your options before making commitments that could jeopardize your financial position.

Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.


Do not let the reactions of others get you going. You may become rundown if you take on too much. You may want to put everyone to work on a project that will keep them all too busy to complain. Someone left a real mess for you to sift through.

Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.


The locks, stove, gas, or electric wires may not be secure. Don't let your personal problems interfere with your professional responsibilities. Changes regarding your image will bring you greater confidence. Don't let your personal dilemmas interfere with your goals.

Your lucky day this week will be Friday.


Short trips may be tiring but rewarding. Sign up for seminars that will expand your business awareness. Erratic behavior at home may be hard to handle. Change will be required to make your life more harmonious.

Your lucky day this week will be Sunday.

School With Raffles in their name

Your sensitivity toward those you love will capture their hearts. Avoid getting trapped in internal disputes. Travel opportunities must be taken advantage of. Take time to talk things over. Travel for business or pleasure.

Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.


It's a great day to attend social functions. Your versatile mind and common sense will allow you to come up with various solutions. Look into ways to make your home more comfortable. You can make money through your creative efforts.

Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.


Think of starting a new business or emotional partnership. Uncertainties regarding your home and family are evident. You will be in the mood to socialize. Pamper yourself for a change. If you are not careful you will lose your wallet.

Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.

Singapore Sport School

For now just do the best you can. You may be overly emotional when dealing with your mate. Take time to deal with legal documents and the affairs of people who you may be indebted to. Mingle with individuals who are established and can give you some serious insight into business and future trends.

Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.


You could have a change of heart if an old flame waltzes back into your life. Joint ventures might prove to be unfavorable. Your best efforts will come through investments concerning your home. Tempers will mount if you're too pushy at work or at home.

Your lucky day this week will be Monday.


Shooterscope 29/09/2007-05/10/2007


Monday, October 01, 2007

AC's affiliates

The call of adventure is calling you out to new places... There's magic & miracles waiting to happen & perhaps some potentially serious personal temptations too. This energy is being directed at your personal relationships, but is being activated in the places & situations where you might be the most vulnerable, so you must remain strong & dedicated to your obligations & commitments. Adhering to the highest of personal standards now can lead you to higher status & position.

CJ and their affiliations, SPS, SJC etc

This week's chart energy is very "career" or "work" related... Not so much in the "big picture" but more about how you act/react in your mood, attitudes & actions. Your main goal should be in getting yourself as organized as possible & making sure your attitude is where others won't mind helping & assisting you obtain your goals & objectives. In some cases, very steamy & passionate romances can suddenly spring up from out of nowhere.


This is great natural energy for you... It's going to bring out the best of your sense of humor & overall cheerful mood... Because of the positive qualities, this energy will make you very attractive in the eyes of others. Your natural communication skills are also being highlighted, so look for opportunities to take command & showcase your leadership abilities. A greater sense of peace and well being is indicated in your personal & intimate relationships.


This week's chart gives you excellent new financial opportunities... This transit lays the ground work for you to plant the seeds of future prosperity. Even though this energy is very "fortunate" in nature and gives you additional "luck"... The main focus is to create a more solid foundation to build upon. This transit indicates "clear sailing" as long as you take the time to make sure you get all your facts & details correct.


You are in a powerful cycle this week that brings out the best of your personality & people skills... This energy enhances your light-hearted approach & great sense of humor... Making you extremely popular & sought after. As long as you keep the mood light, there will be all sorts of potential (especially romantic) magic & miracles waiting for you. This is when you would be wise to take those extra chances you can "feel" are right.


There are times when you just have to believe... Especially when things appear not to be going your way. I've seen this pattern a million times in the past... It always appears just before the major turning points in life... I believe it's there to give people a last chance to give up on their dreams before the universe starts causing them to come true. Allow nothing to break your faith & trust.


Ok... here comes the changes & I hope your ready... I'm here to tell you that this energy is wild... There's a lot of chaos & wildly creative energy contained within this transit... So much so, that just about anything can happen at any time. This energy enhances your social skills, so any activity that gets you out & with others is highly favored at this time. Luck is riding with you... Take a chance.

School With Raffles in their name

This is one of those times when more is being asked of you than you could ever hope to receive... If that's not enough, surely others are practically lining up in front of you... Each person "needs" you for one reason or another... This energy can get overwhelming at times, so you must make sure you leave "room to escape" when needed. Just remember, it's not your job to "manage their lives".


Your spiritual & psychic connection is right on target... The best thing you can do is to keep asking yourself "WHY" things are happening the way they are... There's a greater spiritual lesson the universe is trying to teach you, to help you unlock the doors of abundance & prosperity. Most of the time, we already know "most of" the answer... The hard part is staying sharp & being willing to hear & learn the missing information.


In a way, this current chart energy has the potential to open up your feelings & emotions & set you free... I suppose the real challenge will be in when to allow all your feelings to come pouring out & when to keep things in tighter control. This energy can be a total godsend in your personal relationships, because others aren't used to seeing the real passion within you rising to the surface in everyday life.

Singapore Sport School

This week's transits highlight your personal relationships. It ignites a "Spirit of Adventure" within you that others have been waiting to become a part of. There can be sudden & unexpected attractions that take place... These attractions can happen in a blink of an eye... This week's chart can renew your inner sense of mystery & awe of life... It makes you glad to be alive... It reminds you that anything & everything is possible.


You'll find there are very strong feelings forming in the workplace setting... At times, this can be about "getting things right" and being able to "do your job" the best you can, without the usual restrictions or obstacles... And for some this can be serious romantic attractions that appear, or have been there & are begging to be dealt with. Either way, there is a very strong element of Karma at work... Have Fun...