Chua Jun Yang Fan Club <body>



Saturday, April 26, 2008

" I remember, when I was shooting Nationals, those who declared themselves as Champions, are more often than not, those who lose.

I remember, in 2002, Law Gin Way declared himself as Individual Champion and ended up going back empty-handed.

I remember, in my time, every year, ACS (Independent) would prematurely say they have won. Going around with all the "Everyone else is gonna get owned by ACS" which hasn't seem to change until now. They never won my team.

I remember, more recently, RI C division declared themselves Champions in 2007 even before the competition. Talking big like no one's business, just to lose even when HCI shot a zero.

If you really are a Champion, behave like one. Prove it through your actions. And talk only when the competition is over. It is not over until it is over.

Talk only when you have the results. Until then, just shut up."

-First ever, and only person in history to sweep 5 National Schools, Team GOLD titles in .177 Air Rifle.

Kopitiam Bookie.


These are for week Beginning 26/04/2008

News and Rumours

Da Xiang was emoing thus there wasn't update for the past 2 weeks.

CJYFC welcome a new contributor this week, she is gonna be 2008 B'div champion, since it will be her last year shooting national. A look at the contributors list, one should realise that all shooters are one-time national champion, Li Qian could win it again though. Unless she change her mind to take O level and DSA to either college in Bukit Timah.

RJ shooting club has elected their new captains and they are [someone help me with her name, i forgot] and Toon Wei, who joined RJ shooting club as he cannot get into the other CCAs that he wanted to join although he was accepted into some but he choose shooting.

JH HCI is hot on the heel of KY of DHS after failed attempt/s from Mr AEP to get her over to HCI.

[Rumours] As NJ is taking in sec1 next yr, it would not be appropriate to be call National JUNIOR COLLEGE. However calling National Institute will sound like Mental Institute. Therefore the new name will be named after the road name which is Hill Crest. So NJC name might be change to Hill Crest Institute.

At the rate other schools are going, NYGH will certainly retain their crown, simple reason, because they do train.

To come out with a plan to increase the number of Christian National champion, Da Xiang is going to provide the following solution school like ACS, SPS, CJ and so on to use.

AC's affiliates
Don't try to get even without having all the facts. Don't settle for less than the best. There are ways of making extra cash if you put your mind to it. Females may put demands or added responsibilities on you.

Your lucky day this week will be Sunday.

CJ and their affiliations, SPS, SJC etc

Coworkers may not be giving you all the pertinent information. You may not see your situation clearly. Get involved in jobs that require creative input. You can win points with both peers and superiors. Try to be tolerant of the moods of those around you.

Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday.

Don't rely on others to handle the workload. Be careful to avoid wrong doings. Personal alterations will be in your best interest. Romance appears.

Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday.


Investments concerning your residence will be profitable. You will make new friends through physical activities. Be sure to sidestep those who are eccentric or unpredictable. Do not blow situations out of proportion.

Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.


Keep your mind on your work and stay away from situations that could ruin your reputation. Travel could include delays and other minor problems. You will have to put those you live with in their place if they try to interfere with your work. Empty promises are evident.

Your lucky day this week will be Monday.

Try to be precise in your communications. You may find that others do not do things the way you want; however, if the job gets done, let it pass. Adventure will result in added knowledge. You are best not to discuss your personal life with others.

Your lucky day this week will be Monday.

For now just do the best you can. Social events will be favorable. It's time to let loose. Self-improvement could bring amazing results.

Your lucky day this week will be Monday.

School With Raffles in their name
Verbal abuse may lead to walkouts; don't make any rash statements you may regret later. A change is as good as a rest. Don't go looking for change. They didn't fully under stand what was expected. Look into family outings or projects.

Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.

You can have a great time if you go out with the one you love. Don't reveal anything about your personal life that could be used adversely. You may find that your boss is not delighted with your work lately. Eliminate situations that are no longer to your advantage.

Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.

Don't forget that you've only heard one side of the story. Travel if it's needed to start the ball rolling. Don't be too confident that coworkers are on your side. You may get upset with peers or relatives.

Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.

Singapore Sport School
Don't get involved in idle chatter that will hurt your position. Take some time out. You are better off visiting friends or relatives than entertaining at home. Consider the source before you believe what you hear.

Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.

You can make extra cash by moonlighting. Others may want to steal your thunder when they realize your ideas are pretty solid. Misunderstandings could cause confusion and upset. You can make some favorable changes to your looks.

Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.


These are for week Beginning 05/04/08


Sunday, April 06, 2008

News and Rumour

Peng Hui has got into RJ council!!! Clap clap!!!

OJH is going to wash hand from HC shooting team after 2008 national.

After using a calculator, xiao Dai and xiao Wu figured out that they could win national 1st with all 3 calculation they keyed in. One of it with Eunice Tan shooting 390.

Justin failed to make it into council.

Peng Hui is in running for RJ council.

B div National Champion

1999 - Goh Wen Yong (AISS)
2000 - Ngo Wei Keong (RI)
2001 - Ngo Wei Keong (RI)
2002 - Ng Chao Xiang (AISS) [not NJ like what OJH blogged)
2003 - Ong Jun Hong (TCHS)
2004 - Kenneth Tan (HIH)
2005 - Kenneth Tan (HIH)
2006 - Koh Tian Wei (RI)
2007 - Justin Ho (RI)

As you can see 1/9 B'div are atheists, only 2007 champion is a christian.

AC's affiliates
All your energy should be directed into moneymaking opportunities. Opportunities for advancement at work are apparent. Take time to catch up on gossip and make plans to do a little adventure travel. You may have the energy to clear up that mound of paperwork facing you.

Your lucky day this week will be Sunday.

CJ and their affiliations, SPS, SJC etc

You may want to take a look at your direction in life. Your self esteem will benefit. Friends will be loyal and caring. Your involvement in interest groups may bring you popularity. Check your personal papers and make sure everything is in order.

Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday.

Don't be critical or overly opinionated with dislikes; it could cause disapproval and unwanted opposition. Deception will play an important factor in relationships. Travel will be to your advantage; however, it might be expensive. Visit friends who have not been well.

Your lucky day this week will be Friday.

You will enjoy the interaction with youngsters and take great pride in the projects you've completed. Work quietly at your own goals and forget about situations that you can do little about. Positive connections can be made if you get involved in environmental organizations. It might be best not to spend your money on luxuries this week.

Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday.


Your time, not your cash, will do a lot more for your relationship. Look into the cost factor, but don't try to get backing yet. You can't always have your own way. Overindulgence may cause conflicts.

Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday.

Don't settle for less than the best. You can meet potential new mates if you socialize with friends. Be prepared to jump quickly if you wish to stay in the forefront of your industry this week. Tie up your personal papers or push to have legal settlements completed.

Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.

Luck is with you, regardless of the financial venture. Be discreet about your feelings, and hold back until you find out a little more about the person who's coming on to you. You can make the most headway if you put in some overtime. Don't make unreasonable promises.

Your lucky day this week will be Monday.

School With Raffles in their name

You can't always have your own way. Those who have been too demanding should be put in their place or out to pasture. Get involved in groups that can offer intellectual stimulation. Make career changes that may increase your income.

Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.

You will do well with clients this week. If you can put some work into home improvements, you should. Try not to jump to conclusions. Your romantic inclination should lead to a committed relation ship.

Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.

Keep your eyes and ears alert for any evasive or deceptive statements. Take some time to change your house around. Let go of the past in order to progress. Friends and relatives can give you good advice.

Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.

Singapore Sport School
Try not to push your philosophies on others. Don't be disappointed if you don't get your way emotionally. The key to feeling good about yourself will be to do something about it. You need to focus on yourself, not on others.

Your lucky day this week will be Sunday.


Don't let friends convince you that you should contribute to something you don't believe in. You could be cornered, so be prepared to tell the truth. You mustn't make promises that you won't be able to keep. Try to curb your habits, or you could find yourself in an awkward financial position.

Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.